Are you wandering around telling yourself that life is not going as planned? That you’re not getting what you want? Thing is, that might not actually be true.
I teach the law of attraction. Often using The Passion Test. In that coaching tool we talk about:
1). Intention ( as in, let’s get clear about what you want in your ideal life).
2.) Attention (as in visualize. Because what you focus on will grow stronger).
3.) No tension. (as in, don’t worry about the how or the timing. )
Sound confusing? I will use myself as an example. A year ago I moved to a suburb of Nashville. I hoped to meet new friends. Truth be told, I haven’t met many people, and yet …more than I think. I can explain.
Ready for one of my favorite stories? Years ago I moved to San Diego. Back then finding a roommate in a new city involved a business called Room Mate Finders. They did their survey and matched me up with a similar aged female in the area I wanted to live. They gave me her address, and let her know I was on my way over. When she opened the door she was wearing pants made of the same crazy pattern as the vest I was wearing. Our hair was a similar, yet unusual strawberry blonde. I introduced myself. She looked surprised. Turns out we have the same name!! We found this all a little odd. So as we asked each other’s ages it came up that… we have the same birthday. Crazy right?
Kathleen and I have stayed in touch, but have rarely seen each other through the years. But guess what? Turns out her son had one more year at Vanderbilt here in Nashville. So this year on her visits from Chicago, we spent time together. And tonight, for the first time in exactly 30 years we are roommates again. She’s staying with me. Tomorrow we will go to a concert to celebrate our birthdays. So fun!
Intention: I wanted to meet friends that would make my new move easier.
Attention: I was focused on that.
No tension: It did happen. Just not how I thought it would happen. I did in fact gain a friend this year. It just came in the form of a long lost friend.
The moral of the story is to stay open. Life is so much less stressful if you can focus on positive intentions, but float in the unknown space in between.
I challenge you to look at your own life from different perspectives. You might have gotten what you’ve been asking for. It just didn’t happen how you had anticipated.
If you think of a story to share, feel free to comment. As always, if you’d like professional help navigating monumental change, I would be honored to hear from you.
Now excuse us, but the Kathleens have plans y’all:)
P.S Happy Birthday Kathleen