There were years I moved a lot. Like many of you, I've lived a lot of places. One of the predictably beautiful spots was San Diego, CA. It's pretty much nice there all of the time, except June. There we call it "June gloom." Sorry tourists, current forecast: gray and overcast skies along the beach. Smack dab in the middle of summer.
Moving can be like that. We're excited for the fresh start, but the reality can predictably lead to loneliness and gloom. June is a favorite month to move. I dedicate this month's article to the brave movers in this month of June.
People moving in and out of my new area are a huge part of life here. I did it exactly one year ago. Moving alone, across the country, after fire took everything I owned in California. I knew no one here. If that sounds hard, turns out it's even harder.
The phases of your life help or hurt you. Maybe you have young kids. That helps. Maybe you have a bustling new workplace. That helps. Maybe you enjoy group sports or activities. That helps. But maybe like me, your kids are older, you work from home, and you're that bubbly kind of introvert. Then what?
Years ago the beloved receptionist at my office retired. Soon after, her husband passed away. When we met for lunch a few months later, she said something to me that I will never forget. What surprised her most was that with no workplace, grown kids, and living alone...she could go days without speaking. I think about that a lot. Because now I know that to be true.
So you are new. Now what? If you are a joiner, welcome to nirvana. But if you are not, I'll share 4 of the many ways proven to increase happiness.
1.) Stick like glue to a morning routine. Set an alarm. Get up and dressed and outside. With a little help from the Internet, you can find endless activities, festivities, and new things to try.
2.) Keep a gratitude journal. A daily list of 3 things you are grateful for, because there are absolutely always things to be grateful for. Need two? Every morning, when each foot hits the ground, say "Thank. You." Because you were just given the gift of another day. Happy people are not grateful. Grateful people are happy. They scan the world for the good. The good news is, that's a habit you can learn.
3.) Sing along to your favorite music while driving. No I'm not making that one up. It's science people. Studies show, the louder you sing, the more your endorphins get a boost. So crank it up.
4.) Volunteer. Giving and helping others is proven to make you feel better. Having a bad day? Ask yourself who or where you can help today?
If you didn't know, the weather here in the South is very dramatic. It can change in an instant. So if your current forecast feels gloomy, I predict sunnier skies ahead. As always, if you'd like me to coach you through major change, please reach out. It is my privilege to share tools and support that make huge transitions easier.