When my brother and I were young we found this spot by the little airport in Lincoln City, Oregon where we lived. We thought it was quicksand. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, but we used to take turns standing in the danger zone, sinking. And when we were scary deep in the muck, we would pull each other out. It was fun. Because back then, this is the sort of thing kids did for fun. And if my parents knew or noticed, they never commented on it...or the muddy laundry? That's also how it was back then.
Flash forward to being stuck, adult version. Standing in you danger zone sinking. Scary deep in the muck, but this time alone. Likely no one notices or comments, because well, you haven't asked for help.
I was stuck. I know stuck. And back then I didn't seek help because I didn't even know what I would ask for help with...
But once you can see it in hindsight, it's pretty simple. To get unstuck, you must move. There must be movement. Baby steps of bold and brave and scary movement.
One of my favorite tools in helping people get clear, unstuck, and brave change is The Passion Test. It is heavily based on the law of attraction. The first concept in the law of attraction is this:
What you put your attention on grows stronger.
If you are stuck and hiding, you are paralyzed by fear. In this state of mind, you can't see your way clear of the possible pain, sadness, loss, shame, judgement...
But what you put your attention on grows stronger. And living in the grip of those emotions is a fast pass to crippling isolation, sadness, or depression.
Ready for things to change? Then there must be, quite simply, change.
You can't see the water you are swimming in. But the person on shore can. You certainly can't see the muck you are stuck in. But the person standing on solid ground can.
Hiring a coach doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. It means that you are tired of struggling alone.
Ready to reach out? Give me a call. I never mind a little mud, and I'd be honored to extend a helping hand.