There's no better way to help than to get out and experience nature for yourself.
Dynamite comes in small packages. So my not-so-tall mother used to love to say. Well I'm here to tell you, mama was right.
In this case the small package I am referring to is a word. A small seemingly innocent word that packs a powerful punch. A little teenie word that has the ability to cage you in an iron clad prison and dissolve the key. So powerful that it leaves you frozen...stuck...smothering. It has the power to ruin a human life.
Ready to see this power? Because it also packs a powerful punch to see this teenie little guy in print. This word is: BUT
It goes like this: You say you are miserable. A memory of being happy is a faraway dot in your rear view mirror. You would begin to take the steps to feel better. Deep down you know what would make you feel better. Be honest. You DO know. For at least a second or two when you actually find a little peace and quiet and stillness. But you can't. But you shouldn't...
It sounds like this:
Yeah, but I wouldn't make enough money.
Yeah, but people would think I'm crazy.
Yeah, but I would disappoint people.
But I'm too old, too young, too fat, too short... It's a waste of my education. I don't have the education. Why would people listen to me? It's already been done...
So in this, my first blog, I am going to give you a gift. A gift of a small word that packs an even more powerful punch. Ready?
IF It sounds like this:
What if...
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
What if you do the thing you think you cannot do?